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Announcement of “AWS Public Sector Partner Program” Certification

September 25, 2024
BBIX, Inc.

Announcement of “AWS Public Sector Partner Program” Certification

BBIX, Inc. (“BBIX”) is pleased to announce that it has been certified for “AWS Public Sector Partner Program” (“AWS PSP”) by the Amazon Web Service, Inc.

AWS PSP is a program that validates AWS Partners with cloud-based solutions and experience in supporting government, space, education and nonprofits around the world.

BBIX has been working with system integrators and “Open Connectivity eXchange” partners nationwide to help promote DX (Digital Transformation) in local governments and educational institutions, and being recognized as an AWS PSP Partner will enable BBIX to deliver even more advanced solutions and services to support DX in the public sector.

BBIX will continue to support the communication environment in the multi-cloud era by providing more convenient solutions and services.

AWS Public Sector Partner Program Certification Badge

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