BBIX supports customers to exchange internet traffic by using our Internet eXchange services.

Internet eXchange (IX)
An interconnection point for the Internet that enables you to exchange Internet traffic globally.
BBIX provides IX services for ISPs, content providers, CATV operators and other enterprises.
IX Services
By connecting to the BBIX IX connection point, it enables you to exchange Internet traffic directly with other customers who are connected to the point.
Managed Services
This is an outsourcing service that BBIX undertakes the work necessary for using IX services, such as installation, operation and management of equipment, etc., mainly for enterprises and CATV operators.
Transit Services
BBIX provides transit connections on the same port as the IX service for customers who use BBIX’s IX service, with stable Internet connection for high-speed delivery of high-volume content.
Cloud Connectivity Services
This service enables direct and private access with multiple cloud services over the IX platform you are connected to.

Roaming Peering eXchange (RPX)
This is the only mobile roaming exchange in the market today which provides direct Layer 2 Peering between Mobile Network Operators with extremely low latency and cost in comparison to GRX.